Simon May先生:商务经济学家,高级工商管理学硕士,IFJ瑞士青年创业集团董事会成员
Patrick Gründler先生:圣加伦大学法学硕士,Gründler & Partner律师事务所律师,公证人
地点:Grand Casino Luzern, Haldenstrasse 6, CH-6006 Luzern
- 创业是一个经久不衰的话题。在瑞士如何创业?脑袋不空,但是口袋空空,创业资金从哪里来?外国人如何在瑞士创业?针对以上种种问题,Simon May先生将为我们做深刻分析和解答。他主讲的题目为:《洞察瑞士创业市场》。
- 创业是一个很艰难的选择。创业有哪些形式?外国人在创业过程中要注意哪些法律问题?我们怎样合法创业?针对以上种种,Patrick Gründler先生将毫无保留地为您开启创业法律之门,为我们解答外国人创业过程中遇到的所有可能遇到的问题。他主讲的题目为:《在瑞士创业的相关法律问题》。
由于讲座内容涵盖之广,含金量大,在专家讲解之后会有一个集体问答与互动。请大家充分利用和专家的互动时间。希望大家从中多多受益。同时瑞士中国人社区(CHCCH, 简称:嘻哈嘻嘻哈)特请来以往资深专家和行业主管和大家一起参加我们的讲座和小餐饮会。
*本次活动热餐和饮料由Grand Casino Luzern 友情提供!
Seminar: How to start your own business in Switzerland?
The Chinese Community in Switzerland (cHccH.ch) is a non-profit, non-political, and religiously neutral association. Its mission is to help Chinese integrate into Swiss society, to promote the exchange of economy, culture, science and technology between China and Switzerland and to enrich communication among Chinese in Switzerland.
Time: Fr. 8th April 2016 at 17:30
Place: Grand Casino Luzern, Haldenstrasse 6, CH-6006 Luzern
Language: English, Chinese (live translation during Q-A session)
Cost: free of charge
Registration online (till 6th April 2016): http://goo.gl/forms/QH9gSytg3P
Subjects and Speakers:
<Insight into the Swiss Startup Scene >, Simon May, Business Economist and Executive MBA, Member of the Management Board, IFJ Institut für Jungunternehmen Ltd
Simon May has a degree in Business Administration and a MBA in Services Management from the University of St. Gallen. He has been a member of the management board of IFJ since 2003. He is responsible for strategic partnerships, company foundations, the start-up support centre and IFJ events. Simon May is a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen and gets regularly invited to events and talks within the start-up scene.
<Legal Background to Company Foundation in Switzerland>, Patrick Gründler, ic. iur. HSG, Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public, Gründler & Partner Rechtsanwälte
Patrick M. Gründler is primarily responsible for corporate and commercial law, succession planning and inheritance law. He has many years of experience in strategic legal consulting for corporate management and high net worth individuals. He is a member of the St. Gallen and Swiss Bar Associations and is registered in the Attorney’s Register of the Canton of St. Gallen.
*Thanks for the friendly support of Grand Casino Luzern for their provision of snacks and drinks.
You are welcome to join us on this evening!
Chinese Community in Switzerland
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