时间:2019年5月20日,星期一,17:30 -21:00
地点:Zentrum „Karl der Grosse“, Kirchgasse 14, 8001 Zürich
电车4路、5路到 „Helmhaus“ 车站下车
费用:15.00 CHF
众所周知,在过去的10年中,中国投资者在收购瑞士公司方面积累了丰富的经验。诸如中国化工集团收购先正达、海航收购瑞士航空服务公司和瑞士航空配餐及服务供应商Gategroup等重大交易。此外,中国投资方还成功完成了大量对中小型瑞士公司的收购案。与此同时,中国投资方发起的许多并购项目也因各种原因而被中止。这些中瑞并购项目成功或失败背后的原因到底是什么?有力的法律支持和公司财务管理又能如何增加中国投资方在瑞士并购项目中取得成功的机会?欢迎您与来自VISCHER AG的专家——律师Felix Egli先生和公证人Lukas Züst先生,一起来深入探讨相关问题。
Dr. Felix W. Egli
Dr. Felix W. Egli主要专注于并购与公司财务方面的业务,并就公司法和商法的各相关领域提供建议。作为大型工业集团的瑞士法律顾问,他在跨境并购交易、股权资本市场交易(被瑞士证券交易所认可为发行人代表)、国际商务合同、公司治理等相关问题方面拥有丰富经验。他在2011至2016年间领导了VISCHER中国业务。
Lukas Züst
Lukas Züst专注于直接投资、交易(并购)以及中瑞贸易相关领域的业务。自2007年以来,他一直在这些领域执业并积累了大量实践经验。在完成瑞士法的学习后,他继续在新加坡国立大学和位于中国上海的华东政法大学学习,并获得法学硕士学位(LL.M.)。随后,他在上海的一家国际律师事务所工作了四年半的时间。他说德语、英语和中文(普通话)。目前他是VISCHER中国业务的负责人。
Markus Prandini, PhD
Markus Prandini教授从事国际商务领域的研究与咨询。他拥有圣加仑大学(HSG)的教育和国际管理博士学位。他曾在多家国际公司管理发展领域积累了十多年的专业经验,其后进入苏黎世应用科学大学(瑞士ZHAW),成为该校国际管理学士学位课程的创始人并出任主任职位。在管理该学位项目五年后,他被任命为国际和亚洲商业中心的主任—他将该中心定位为在亚洲研究领域进行持续教育与咨询的领先机构。目前,Markus Prandini是深圳科技大学(中国)的客座教授,支持深圳大学商学院的概念化和发展,这是中国第一所应用科学商学院。
通过他的讲座、研究与咨询活动,Markus Prandini教授将其工作重心转移倾注于支持亚太地区中小企业的国际化战略、中国的职业教育和培训以及中国初创公司的创新与创业上。
Seminar: Chinese M&A projects in Switzerland and Innovation made by China
Time: Mo. 20th Mai 2019 at 17:30
Place: Zentrum „Karl der Grosse“, Kirchgasse 14, 8001 Zürich
Dr. Felix W. Egli, LL.M., Attorney at Law, Partner, VISCHER AG
Felix W. Egli mainly practices in the areas of mergers & acquisitions and corporate finance and advises on all aspects of corporate and commercial law. As Swiss counsel to large industrial groups he has extensive experience in cross-border M&A transactions, equity related capital market transactions (recognized by the SIX Swiss Exchange as representative of issuers), international commercial contracts, corporate governance and related issues. He headed the VISCHER China desk from 2011-2016.
Practice Areas
Banking Law, Capital Markets, China Desk, Commercial Law, Corporate and Commercial, Corporate Governance, Financing, M&A, Private Equity, Private International Law, Stock Exchange Law, Venture Capital
Lukas Züst, LL.M.,Attorney at Law, Counsel, VISCHER AG
Lukas Zuest mainly practices in the areas of direct investments, transactions (mergers & acquisitions) and trade from Switzerland to China and from China to Switzerland, respectively. He has been practicing in these fields since 2007 and is familiar with the relevant dos and don’ts. He worked for four and a half years for an international law firm in Shanghai after having supplemented his Swiss legal education by a post-graduate Master of Laws (LL.M.) at the National University of Singapore and East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai. He speaks German, English and Chinese (Mandarin). He is the head of the VISCHER China desk.
Practice Areas
China Desk, Commercial Law, Corporate and Commercial, Financing, Immigration, Location Planning, M&A, Private Equity, Private International Law, Venture Capital
Markus Prandini, PhD, Professor for International Business
Markus Prandini is Professor, Researcher and Consultant for International Business. He holds a PhD in Educational and International Management from the University of St. Gallen (HSG). After having gained over ten years of professional experience in the field of management development at various international companies, he entered Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Science, Switzerland) to become the founder and program director of the school’s bachelor degree program in International Management.
After having managed this program for five years, he was appointed as director of the Center for International and Asian Business, which he positioned as a leading institution for Asia related research, continuous education and consulting. Currently Markus Prandini acts as a Visiting Professor at Shenzhen Technology University (SZTU, China) to support the conceptualization and development of the SZTU Business School, the first business university of applied sciences in China.
Through his lecturing, research and consulting activities, Markus Prandini has dedicated his focus on internationalization strategies for SMEs to and from Asia Pacific region, vocational education and training in China well as innovation and entrepreneurship of Chinese start-up companies.
Language: English
Cost: 15.00 CHF
Dress Code: Business casual
or please scan the QR code to register:
Chinese M&A projects in Switzerland – How are they successfully completed?
Over the last decade, Chinese investors have gained extensive experience in the acquisition of Swiss companies. Major transactions such as the acquisition of Syngenta by ChemChina or the purchase of Swissport and Gategroup by HNA are well-known. In addition, there is a big number of small and mid-sized acquisitions of Swiss companies by Chinese buyers that have been successfully closed. On the other hand, many M&A projects initiated by Chinese investors have been aborted for various reasons. What are the reasons why Sino-Swiss M&A project succeed or fail, respectively? How can competent legal and corporate finance support increase the chance of the Chinese buyer to succeed in a Swiss M&A project? Discuss these and many other questions in a panel discussion with the experts Felix Egli and Lukas Züst of VISCHER AG – lawyers and notaries.
Innovation made by China – How Swiss companies can get inspired by the Chinese innovation ecosystem.
China has long been known as the workbench for the global economy. With the business model „80% of quality for 60% of price “Chinese companies have achieved a global market share of 40 percent or more in many industries. Part of Chinese business has been copying, imitating and adapting products, services and technologies of Western enterprises. Having matured as an economy, China needs to move up the value chain in order to sustain further growth. The Chinese economy is therefore currently changing from an investment and export driven to a consumption and innovation-oriented model. On company level, innovation becomes the key to succeed in an ever-increasing competitive environment. Currently, China has already achieved a high capacity level in customer and efficiency driven innovation. Innovative Chinese business models spread quickly, and will also impact Western companies and economies. The speech introduces the participants to the current status of Chinese innovation and shows how Swiss companies can make use of the Chinese business environment for their own R&D and innovation activities.
More details please read the event flyer:
Seminar_Chinese M&A_projects_in_Switzerland_and_Innovation_made_by_China_20May2019
The Chinese Community in Switzerland (cHccH.ch) is a non-profit, non-political, and religiously neutral association, with the objective to help Chinese integrate into Swiss society, to promote the exchange of economy, culture, science and technology between China and Switzerland and to enrich communication among Chinese in Switzerland.