Zum Jahreswechsel möchte die chinesische Community in Switzerland allen chinesischen Studierenden, Wissenschaftlern, Mitarbeitenden, Unternehmern sowie allen Freunden, die unsere Community unterstützen und ihr nahe stehen, die herzlichsten Neujahrswünsche übermitteln!
Wir wünschen Ihnen für das neue Jahr beste Gesundheit, viel Erfolg im Beruf, Glück und liebevolle Wärme in der Familie. Mögen all Ihre Wünsche in Erfüllung gehen! Möge das Jahr der Schlange Ihnen und Ihrer Familie Freude und weiteren Erfolg bringen.
Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Hand in Hand einer noch strahlenderen Zukunft entgegengehen!
Pascal Meyer was born and raised in Zurich. He received his master's degree from the University of Zurich majoring in Chinese Studies with Political Science and International Law as minor subjects. He studied and lived for several years in China and Taiwan, feeding his inexplicably insatiable interests in some aspects of Chinese culture (society, history, politics, cuisine(!), just to name a few). A self-taught hacker, he worked several years in the IT and telecom industries as a software engineer, before founding his first company in 2005. After some serial entrepreneurship in the digital world of the Internet, he founded and runs popular Swiss daily deal and coupon platforms like Dealanzeiger, Dealkompass or Gutschein-Codes, he is now upgrading his business focus to slightly more tangible trades like Import/Export of alcoholic beverages, car tires and home electronics. Fluent in seven major languages (Swiss German not included), he looks forward to adding some more cool idioms to his short list by the end of this decade. Forgive him, but he takes pride in the notion of being a life-long student. As co-founder and vice president of the Chinese Community in Switzerland it will be his job to at least try to represent the Swiss part of the organisational equation. He loves the movies, a good glass of wine with awesome people as well as ramblings about cool things like bitcoin and the advantages of the coming swarm economies.
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